Blender is a powerful program that can do a lot. This collection of short tutorials includes problem-solving tips, feature explanations, add-ons and more. Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel to get them as they are released.

I packed 50 BLENDER TIPS into one video!

Learn the BASICS of Material Shading in BLENDER (Part 1)

Blender PBR Material Shading (Material Series Part 2)

Normal Maps in BLENDER – Instant Realism to Materials

Over 50 Blender Terms Explained

How to Add Depth of Field in BLENDER

The Best Blender HDRI Tutorial (that I've made)

Let's Build an HDRI World Library in BLENDER!

3D Text in Blender: Everything You Need to Know!

Now we can paint in sculpt mode – Here's how!

Combine Mixamo Animations with the NLA Editor in Blender

Export animation renders the RIGHT way in Blender!

Blender Asset Browser – FULL Tutorial

Create LINE ART over 3D objects with a modifier!

Blender Build Modifier Tutorial (And how to change the build order!)