The first step in creating great video in Premiere Pro is to create a project. It’s a straight-forward process, but here’s a simple guide for starting new projects in Premiere Pro.

What is a Project File

In Premiere Pro, a “Project” is a file containing all of the video, audio, and other clips you want to use in your final video. Within a project, we can create many “Sequences” which are individual videos. We can also import a wide variety of media which can be organized for use in the project. Everything we could need can be stored within the project.

Premiere project files will be saved with a file suffix of .prproj.

Create a New Project File

When we open Premiere Pro, we come to a start screen. From this screen, we can open recent projects or create a new one.

To create a new project, press “New Project” in the top left corner of the screen.

You’ll be prompted to give the project a name and choose a location for saving the project file.

If you had created any project templates, you could also choose from one of them here.

A new project window displays in Adobe Premire Pro.

The settings icon allows us to set advanced settings for the project file, but this is nothing beginners will need to worry about.

After the file is named and a location is chosen to save it, press “Create.”

Import Media and Create Sequence

The first screen that will appear when we create our new project in Adobe Premiere Pro is the import screen. This allows us to import media in bulk to have available in our project.

If we already have video and/or audio files stored in a folder for the project, we can navigate to that folder and import some or all of the content.

If we don’t wish to import any media at this point, we can choose the “Skip” button at the bottom of the screen.

On the right of the screen, we have the option to create a new sequence. A sequence in Premiere Pro is a final product we intend to export as a single video. There can be many sequences in a project.

Import settings and create new sequence options in new premiere project.

We can also choose to skip this part and create the sequence in the next step.

Choose the button on the bottom right of the screen to either import our selected media or to skip this step. Below is an example of a new blank project in Adobe.

A new blank project in Adobe Premiere Pro.

The next step to working on a project is to bring in our media files if we didn’t do so when creating the new project. Here’s how to import media into Premiere Pro.

Brandon Stocking

Brandon Stocking

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