In Blender’s sculpt mode, the radius of the brush is relative to our view by default. This means that zooming in or out impacts the size of the brush in relation to the object we are sculpting.

This can be changed so that the sculpting brush radius is a fixed size, relative to the 3D model. Here’s how…

Blender Add-On Spotlight

Locking a Sculpt Brush Radius

In Sculpt Mode, go to the Brush settings. The very first setting displayed is “Radius Unit.” It is set to “View” by default. In this mode, the radius is set relative to the current view.

The Blender brush settings menu in sculpt mode is expanded.

Change the “Radius Unit” setting from “View” to “Scene.” This will cause the radius of the sculpting brush to be relative to the Blender scene (as well as the objects in it). With this activated, the brush radius will remain a fixed size even if we zoom in or out in the Blender viewport.

A suzanne monkey head zooms in and out while a round cursor stays the same size in Blender.
The brush radius stays fixed when zooming in and out.

How to Fix Radius Size in Texture Painting

This page has explained how lock or fix the brush radius in sculpt mode, but you may be wondering how to do it in Texture Paint mode.

Unfortunately, as of Blender 4.3 I am unaware of a way to do this. The Radius Unit setting is not available in Texture Paint mode.

If you know of any way to do it, please let me know!

I believe Blender is slowly pushing all painting into the Sculpting Workspace and that Texture Paint Mode may soon be a thing of the past. Just a guess.

Brandon Stocking

Brandon Stocking

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