A vertex is a single point in 3D space and it’s the most basic element of a 3D object’s mesh geometry. Here are three ways for how to add a vertex in Blender.
If you find this helpful, be sure to see all my lessons on 3D modeling in Blender.
Add a Single Vertex in Edit Mode
To add a single vertex while in Edit Mode, we need to be in vertex select mode and have no other geometry selected. Press Control and right click in the viewport to add the vertex. It will be added wherever we click but at the depth (from the current view) of the 3D cursor.
This will not work if we are in edge select or face select mode.
If we do this with one or more vertices selected, a new vertex will be added in the same manner but an edge will form to connect the new vertex with the actively selected vertex.
The depth of the newly created vertex will be at the depth of the 3D cursor as viewed from the viewport (not the camera). Because we are operating in 3D space, Blender doesn’t have another way of knowing how far away we want the vertex to be placed. Here’s a lesson on how to move the 3D cursor.
Add a Single Vertex in Object Mode
If we are in object mode, we can add a new object that consists only of a single vertex. It will be added at the location of the 3D cursor. This can be a useful starting point for modeling 3D objects.
To add a single vertex object in Blender, we need to activate the “Extra Objects” add-on which comes pre-installed in Blender.
To activate the extra objects add-on in Blender, select “Preferences” from the Edit Menu in the top bar. Navigate to the add-ons tab and search for the add-on called “Add Mesh: Extra Objects” (there’s also one for extra curve objects). Check the box next to the add-on to activate it.
Now in Object Mode, we can press “Shift + A” to add an object. Choose “Mesh” and a new category of objects will be available called “Single Vert.” From this category, choose “Add Single Vert” and a new object with only one vertex will be added at the location of the 3D cursor.
Here’s a guide to learn about all the object types you can add in Blender.
Add One or More Vertex Along an Edge
If we have an edge that connects two existing vertices, we can add a vertex on the edge by subdividing the edge. While in edit mode, this can be done in either vertex select or edge select mode.
To subdivide an edge, select the edge in Edit Mode (vertex or edge select mode). In the 3D Viewport’s top menu, go to the “Edge” menu and choose “Subdivide.”
By default the edge will be subdivided one time which adds a single vertex at the center of the edge. What used to be a single edge will now be two connected edges.
If we want to subdivide the edge into more than two segments (and add more than one vertex along it), we can modify the subdivision in the “Operator Panel.”
The Operator Panel is a box that appears in the bottom left corner of the 3D viewport after an “operation” occurs in Blender.
After subdividing, expand the operator panel in the bottom left corner and increase the “Number of Cuts.”
This value represents how many times the edge will be cut and therefor how many vertices will be added along it. The geometry will update in real time.
Conclusion and Related Modeling Tools
We’ve covered how to add a vertex in Blender, but in some cases you may want to merge two or more existing vertices.
We also covered adding single verts using the Extra Objects Add-On. Other options with this tool are to add an object with no vertices and to add a single vertex already mirrored with a modifier. Both may be handy depending on what we want to do with our single-vertex object.
Subdividing can be used for much more than adding vertices, but if you want to add a vertex to an existing edge, it’s the fastest way to do it.
Take a look around my site and see what else you may find useful. Hit me up on social media or check out my YouTube channel for video tutorials related to Blender. Stay creative!
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