The Envato Elements subscription is an awesome value, but it requires each project we use an asset for to be individually licensed. Here’s how to add a license to a previously downloaded asset from Envato Elements.
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Adding a License to Previous Downloads from Envato Elements
To add a license to a previously downloaded asset on Envato Elements, click on your account name in the top right corner and choose “My Downloads.” From the Downloads page, find the item you wish to license and choose “Add a License.” Type in the name for the new project you wish to license.
Read on for thorough step-by-step instructions.
Step 1: View Previous Envato Downloads
Log into Envato Elements. From any page, click on your account name in the top right corner of the screen. A menu will appear with an option labeled “My Downloads.” Click this to be brought to a list of all your previously downloaded assets.
Step 2: Find Your Downloaded Asset
From the list of your previously downloaded assets, find the asset you wish to add a license to. On the right, you’ll see a button labeled “Add a License.” Click the button.
Step 3: Assign Downloaded Asset to Project License
When you click “Add a License” another window will open. Type the name of the project you want to license the asset to. You will not be able to choose from a list of previous projects in this prompt. It’s ok. The asset will be licensed for the project by the name you enter.
Another Option for Adding Envato Licenses to Downloads
This is more of a bonus answer. Another option for adding licenses to assets you’ve downloaded from Envato Elements is to re-download the asset.
When I started using Envato Elements, I imagined building a huge library of assets I could re-use on projects. The reality is that Envato Elements IS THE LIBRARY. With an Envato Elements subscription, I have constant access to as many assets I want. Why would I want to store them all on my own hard drive?
The practice I soon implemented was to re-download assets as I used them and delete them from my hard drive when I was finished with a project. With every download, I add a new license for my project.
Now I never have to worry about whether I added a license for a project or not.
As an Envato Elements subscriber, it’s up to you what you want to do with the massive library of digital assets.
If you’re interested in Envato Elements, I earn a small commission as an affiliate when you use my links to purchase. This is HUGELY appreciated. Take care and stay creative!