When you want two color values in Blender to match exactly, the fastest way is to copy and paste the colors. This insures the colors are exactly the same and not just “eyeballed.”

Anywhere you have a color value in Blender, you can copy from that value or paste another value into it.

When you see a color picker, you can hover over the color displayed and press “Control + C” to copy the exact color value to your clipboard. You can then go to another color value, hover over it, and press “Control + V” to paste the color value into the color picker.

Copy and Paste Colors in Blender 3D

That’s awesome, but there’s even a faster way if both color pickers are visible on the same screen…

Blender allows us to drag and drop colors from one color picker to another. Simply click the color you want to copy and drag it onto the color picker that you want it copied to.

Blender could not make it any easier to copy and paste color values.

Blender Add-On Spotlight

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Brandon Stocking

Brandon Stocking

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